Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Al-Qabaytah District in Lahj Province witnessed today, Friday, a mass march entitled ‘With Gaza… Stability of the Position and Continuity of Jihad.’

The participants in the march, led by Jamil al-Sufi, the province’s mobilization official, the commander of the Eastern Front Battalion in Haifan, Colonel Munir Zawa, , military , security leaders, sheikhs , social figures, denounced the daily crimes and genocidal war committed by the Zionist enemy against the people of Gaza, and the failure of the Arabs to support them.

A statement issued by the march that started in front of customs towards the main street, Aden Road, saluted the steadfastness of the people and the Palestinian resistance.

The statement stressed the continuation of the mobilization and general mobilization to the training and rehabilitation camps for the mobilization forces to acquire combat skills and experience.

The statement condemned the International Criminal Court’s decision against three leaders of the Palestinian resistance, which
was based on false lies, slander, and weak, frivolous and baseless fabrications, while ignoring major crimes committed by dozens of major criminals of the Zionist-American enemy.

It expressed the condolences of the Yemeni people, the leadership, government and people of the Islamic Republic of Iran over the martyrdom of the Iranian president and his comrades in the painful accident that befell them, and shared their grief over this tragedy.

The statement called on the peoples of the world and free people of humanity to activate the weapon of economic boycott of American , Israeli goods and the companies that support them, considering this an effective and influential weapon against the enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency