Mass demostration countrywide against Israeli war on Gaza

Protests against the ongoing Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people in Gaza and the West Bank were held on a large scale in Amman and other governorates of the Kingdom.

The participants, who represented a range of social groups in Jordan, denounced the unfair treatment of the Palestinian people and demanded an immediate end to the aggression directed towards Gaza as well as the attacks carried out by settlers and the occupation force on the Palestinian people. In addition, they demanded that all agreements with Israel be canceled because it is waging the worst possible war on both people and territory.

They emphasized their support for the Hashemite leadership in assisting the Palestinian people, upholding their rightful cause, and restoring their legal rights, and they acknowledged the tremendous efforts made and directed by His Majesty King Abdullah II to defend the Palestinian cause at all levels.

In Amman, a protest started from the Grand Husseini Mosque in downtown Amman and called for pre
ssure to be exercised on Israel and settlers to cease their savage attacks and violence against the Palestinian people in Jerusalem and the other Palestinian lands.

In the port city of Aqaba, protesters expressed their solidarity with the Palestinians, condemned the ongoing, savage Israeli onslaught against the Gaza Strip’s population, and pledged to support the brothers in Gaza and the Palestinian territories.

Source: Jordan News Agency