Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The directorates of Al-Bayda province witnessed today, Friday, mass marches and vigils in supporting the Palestinian people under the slogan ‘There is no pride for the peoples of the nation without victory for Gaza.’

Participants in the marches and vigils led by the Governor of Al-Bayda, Abdullah Idris, local, executive and military leaders, and public mobilization officials, raised the Palestinian , Yemeni flags, and chanted slogans denouncing the crimes of the Zionist occupation against the Palestinian people in Gaza.

They affirmed the continuation of supporting the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance against the Zionist enemy until the entire occupied Palestinian territories are liberated.

A statement issued by the marches and vigils praised the joint operations of the Yemeni armed forces and the Iraqi resistance, which embody the hopes of the nation’s peoples for unity and cooperation in confronting enemies.

It also blessed the operations of the armed forces targeting ships supporting the
enemy entity, and preventing their passage from the Red , Arab Seas and the Indian Ocean.

The statement affirmed readiness to confront the American-British aggression against Yemen and to make sacrifices for the sake of victory for Al-Aqsa , Gaza and to support the valiant resistance.

It renewed supporting the escalating operations of the Yemeni Armed Forces within the fourth phase of escalation, and the ongoing military achievements, the most recent of which was the unveiling of the home-made ‘Hatem 2’ hypersonic missile.

The statement reaffirmed the continuation of general mobilization and preparation for what comes after the fourth stage of escalation , confronting the American and Zionist enemies of the nation.

It denounced the crimes of genocide that the Zionist enemy continues to commit in Gaza, through its bombing of houses and public facilities , the practice of forced displacement and starvation of the residents of the Gaza Strip.

The statement also called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to take
an honorable position in supporting the Palestinian people, supporting their valiant resistance, , continuing to boycott products and goods that support the Zionist enemy.

Source: Yemen News Agency