Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The people of Qubaita District in Lahj Province gathered today ,Friday, in a march in solidarity with the Palestinian people under the slogan, ‘There is no pride for nation’s peoples without victory for Gaza.’

The participants in the march, which was led by the province’s mobilization official, Jamil al-Sufi, the province’s undersecretary, Faisal al-Faqih, the director of security, Brigadier General Muhammad al-Otri, the staff of the 119th Infantry Brigade, Mustafa al-Mukardi, and the director of the directorate, Wahid al-Khader, confirmed that America is suffering defeats in Yemen militarily, economically, medially, humanitarianly, and intelligence-wise, and in all fields. .

A statement issued by the march saluted the great steadfastness of the Palestinian people and their mujahideen in Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

It stressed the Yemeni people’s firm position in supporting the brothers in Palestine in general, and the dear mujahideen in Gaza Strip in particular.

The statement praised the escalating qu
alitative operations of the fronts supporting the Palestinian people in Lebanon and Iraq, which have a great impact… expressing confidence in the mujahideen in Hezbollah and their ability to inflict a terrible and shameful defeat on the enemy if it thinks about launching a comprehensive aggression against Lebanon.

The statement called on all Arab and Islamic media to play their role and bear their responsibility in exposing the crimes of the enemy entity and its Western supporters. It also called on Arab and Islamic countries to carry out media, diplomatic and political campaigns in various available and possible fields.

It renewed the call to all Arab and Islamic peoples to assume their responsibility towards what is happening in Gaza, and to activate a comprehensive economic boycott of enemy products.

Source: Yemen News Agency