Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Deputy Prime Minister in the Caretaker Government for Services and Development Affairs Dr. Hussein Maqbouli on Monday inaugurated the distribution of shelter materials to those affected by floods in Al-Zahra District of Hodeida province.

The aid provided by the Generation of Construction Association for Humanitarian Development, funded by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, in coordination with the branch of the Humanitarian Affairs Council in the governorate, targeted 600 displaced and flood-affected families.

Maqbouli who is also the Chairman of the Presidential Committee to Confront Flood Damage praised the efforts of the branch of the Humanitarian Affairs Council and the funders of this aid to enhance relief efforts for those affected by floods in the districts of Hodeida province.

First undersecretary governor Ahmed al-Bishri confirmed the continuation of concerted efforts to provide emergency aid to all families who suffered damage as a result of the torrential floods and heavy rains t
hat fell on the governorate.

For his part, Director of the Supreme Council Branch Jaber al-Razihi called on humanitarian partners to enhance relief interventions to alleviate the suffering of families affected and displaced by the floods.

Source: Yemen News Agency