Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Dr. Hussein Maqbouli, a key member of the Supreme Committee for Emergency Response, has conducted a thorough inspection of the flood-affected areas in al-Jarf village in Bani Musa sub-district in Wusab al-Safil of province.

Dr. Maqbouli was joined by Eng. Abdulrahman al-Hadrami of the General Corporation for Roads and Bridges, Eng. Nabil al-Haifi of the Road Maintenance Fund, and mobilization officer Ahmed al-Dhorani, along with an engineering team.

The inspection aimed to assess the extensive damage caused by recent torrential rains and floods, which devastated homes, infrastructure, and roads. Dr. Maqbouli highlighted that the visit followed directives from the leadership to evaluate the situation, implement emergency measures, and ensure rescue teams can access affected areas.

The damage assessment revealed significant infrastructure disruption, impacting transportation and public services.

Dr. Maqbouli noted that technical teams will conduct a comprehensive damage report to expedite road repairs and m
itigate human and material losses.

Efforts to maintain and restore roads have been initiated, with support from the Red Crescent Society and the General Authority for Zakat, who provided financial aid and emergency supplies to affected families.

The Foundation and Fund heads affirmed that ongoing coordination with local authorities and communities will prioritize road repairs and infrastructure restoration.

Mobilization officials emphasized the need for a detailed damage report to address the situation effectively and alleviate the suffering of those impacted.

Source: Yemen News Agency