Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Graduates of the “Al-Aqsa Flood” batches, within the first phase of the open military courses in the Al-Safiya district in the capital’s secretariat, carried out today a military maneuver and a foot march with the participation of 320 Al-Safiya people.

The exercise, organized by the General Mobilization in al-Safiya district, included practical applications on how to use light and medium weapons in virtual enemy positions, combat skills on the battlefield, and attack and counter enemy forces.

The practical application reflected the morale and level of readiness of the participants within the mobilization units to support Al-Aqsa, prepare for all options of escalation, and participate in the battle of “the promised conquest and holy jihad”, to support and support the Palestinian people and their valiant resistance.

The participants affirmed their full readiness to implement the choices and directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, to support the oppressed Palesti
nian people and confront the Zionist, American, and British enemies.

They renewed their support and absolute mandate for the leader of the revolution, and to continue general mobilization and mobilization and readiness for any escalation in the face of the forces of evil and global criminality, America and Israel, until victory is achieved.

Source: Yemen News Agency