Lebanon examines Kuwait’s experience in protecting consumers

Lebanon is aspiring to take lessons from Kuwait’s successful experience in the consumer protection sector, the country’s minister of economy and commerce said.

Amin Salam was speaking after a meeting on Thursday with a delegation from the Kuwaiti Ministry of Industry and Commerce, chaired by the assistant undersecretary Dr. Mohammad Al-Jalal, currently visiting Lebanon in response to an invitation from the Lebanese ministry and ESCWA, the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for West Asia.

In remarks to KUNA, Salam said his department is working with ESCWA to re-regulate its administrative system, adding that the talks with the Kuwaiti delegation aimed at examining the Kuwaiti authorities’ protection of the consumers.

Kuwait has had a successful experience in protecting the consumer, thus Lebanon can benefit from it as a start of tackling its economic crisis, he said, affirming the dire need for checking commodities’ high prices.

For his part, Al-Jalal affirmed in remarks To KUNA significance of the cooperation between the two ministries, noting that legislations in Kuwait are quite effective in keeping commodities’ prices at reasonable levels.

The meeting was attended by the Kuwaiti embassy first secretary, Yassin Al-Majed. It also involved the director of Kuwait’s technical apparatus for overseeing commodities’ prices Faisal Al-Ansari, the public relations director Khaled Al-Abdulhadi and the secretariat head of the ministry’s undersecretary office, Tami Al-Graifah.

Source: Kuwait News Agency