Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Code of Conduct team at Yemen Gas Company launched the Code of Conduct and Business Ethics program at the gas facility in Dhamar Governorate, as part of the field visit program to the company’s facilities in the governorates to establish the awareness program for the code.

At the inauguration, which was attended by the director of the Dhamar gas facility, Nabil Al-Mutawakel, his deputies and the facility’s employees, the code of conduct team pointed out the importance of adhering to the code of professional conduct, which came to achieve the ethical and humanitarian dimensions in the public service at all administrative levels.

The team stressed that the code regulates the relationship between employees and their superiors, contributes to the development of work in state institutions, enhances anti-corruption efforts and familiarizes the employee with his duties towards his job and society, pointing to the importance of embodying the personality of faith, and overcoming lapses that offend the values an
d teachings of the true Islamic religion.

Source: Yemen News Agency