Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) launched its ninth journalism-training program on Thursday, and will conclude on September first, to qualify university students from Kuwait University with journalistic skills.

During orientation Wafaa Ramadan, the Head of Coordination and Follow-up Department and general coordinator of the summer program (2024-2025), said that KUNA’s continued effort with the program honors the agency’s academic work.

Ramadan added that the program would start on Sunday with workshops on how to write a proper news article, and then proceed to apply what they learned in practice with the help of experienced news editors working in the editorial hall.

The students will be separated into 3 groups once in the editorial hall, and will rotate weekly in all departments, the Local bulletin department, the Arabic bulletin department, the Foreign bulletin department, the Electronic department and the Artificial Intelligence department.

Ramadan highlighted that the students participating will be given two
certificates and a financial reward at the end of the program.

Source: Kuwait News Agency