Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

ustice Minister in the caretaker government, Judge Nabil Al-Azani, inspected on Sunday the work progress in the courts of first instance in the districts of Yarim, Al-Sada, Al-Radma, and Al-Nadira in Ibb Province, following the judicial leave.

Judge Al-Azani, along with the President of Ibb Court of Appeal, Judge Muhammad Al-Shehab, and the Director-General of the Court, Kamal Al-Hajri, were briefed on the work regularity level , facilitating litigation procedures, completing cases, establishing the justice, preserving rights values , and redressing the oppressed.

The Justice Minister directed that a suitable ground be provided for the construction of a building for Al-Sada Court of First Instance and to meet the courts’ needs in terms of staff, equipment, office supplies, etc.

For his part, the President of the Court of Appeal stressed everyone’s keenness to complete the cases pending before the court as soon as possible, in order to achieve justice. He appreciated the interest of Justice Minister and his
keenness to overcome the difficulties facing the workflow and provide for the courts’ needs .

In turn, the Director General of Al-Sada District, Muhammad Al-Darwani, stressed the local authority’s keenness to cooperate with the judicial authority, which is considered the top of the pyramid in the scale of justice , fairness to people, to work on managing its affairs and addressing deficiencies, in a way that contributes to strengthening trust between the citizen and the judiciary.

Source: Yemen News Agency