Justice Minister inspects written admission tests for applicants to 25th batch at the Higher Judicial Institute

Justice Minister in the caretaker government – Chairman of the Council of the Higher Judicial Institute, Judge Nabil Nasser Al-Azani, inspected the progress of the written admission tests for admission to the institute’s 25th batch – postgraduate studies and the second batch – criminal diploma, as members of the prosecution.

During the visit, accompanied by the head of the Judicial Inspection Authority, Judge Ahmed Ali Al-Shahari, and the Deputy Dean of the Higher Judicial Institute, Dr. Yahya Al-Khazzan, Minister Al-Azani explained that the number of applicants for the written tests was 505 applicants who passed the medical examination stage, including 179 applicants in the Department of Higher Specialized Studies and 326 applicants in the Criminal Sciences Diploma – Department of Continuing Rehabilitation.

The caretaker Justice Minister expressed the hope that those who are accepted to study at the institute after the issuance of the final results will provide the courts and prosecution offices with qual
ified cadres who support the judiciary in carrying out its duty in resolving disputes and protecting rights.

He pointed out the importance of graduates from the Higher Judicial Institute being role models in their lives, actions, morals, and knowledge, in a way that reflects positively on the judicial authority and its practical outcomes, and in a way that enhances confidence in the judicial system.

Judge Al-Azani appreciated the interest of the Supreme Judicial Council and the Higher Judicial Institute in overcoming difficulties for students, facilitating admission and registration procedures, and implementing fair competition among applicants in accordance with the law, rules and regulations.
Source: Yemen News Agency