Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

The Justice and Human Rights Ministry condemned the continued US-British aggression against Yemen, the latest of which was the crime of targeting the vicinity of Aisha Girls School in Al-Taiziyah district, which resulted in martyrdom and injury of 11 female students.

Justice and Human Rights Ministry condemned the continued US-British aggression in violating Yemeni sovereignty in an attempt to cover up the largest genocide crime in the world against civilians in Gaza, Rafah and the West Bank with US-British support.

The statement emphasized that America’s continued support for the war crimes and genocide committed by the Zionist enemy entity in Gaza and Rafah represents the biggest violation of the United Nations charters , principles , and leads to further escalation to which America seeks to drag the region into further turmoil, instability and a threat to international peace and security.

Justice and Human Rights Ministry reiterated the unity of crimes in Palestine and Yemen by the Zionist entity and it
s partners “America , Britain and their tools from the Arab countries”, which have become completely subordinate to the outside.

The statement stated that America, by violating international covenants, human rights charters and UN treaties and committing crimes against humanity, repeatedly proves that it is the first sponsor of terrorism in the world, and its support and backing of the enemy entity continues to commit more crimes of genocide and forced displacement in blatant defiance of the international will.

He pointed out that the weak performance of the United Nations , its dependence on the American decision , the intimidation , carrot , stick on the international courts and the weakening of any humanitarian role, made America and the Zionist entity continue to lose , waste rights , violate international humanitarian law and conventions that protect civilians.

Justice and Human Rights Ministry reaffirmed the legitimacy of what Yemen’s leadership , people , the nation’s free people and the world’s peo
ples are doing to support the Palestinians, calling for the intensification of international efforts by all possible means to stop the crimes of genocide and the suffocating siege against Gaza’s women and children .

It pointed out that all international texts affirm the right of self-defense and protection of civilians, which is a right guaranteed to the Yemenis in responding to the US-British aggression, calling on the nation’s peoples to take a decisive stance against the US aggression that violates the sovereignty of Arab countries, and to take practical measures to stop the Zionist aggression on Gaza that has been going on for more than 266 days.

The statement called on the Arab and Islamic media to assume their role and responsibility in exposing the enemy entity’s crimes , its Western supporters, urging the international community and humanitarian organizations to carry out their legal and humanitarian duty towards the crimes , violations against Yemen and Palestine, hold the perpetrators of these cri
mes accountable, and stop America and Britain interventions in the region.

Source: Yemen News Agency