Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Amman: Maritime transport experts urged leveraging skilled human resources and Jordan’s strategic location to foster a domestic maritime carrier, aligning with the recently endorsed United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) memorandum to bolster national commercial fleets.

Captain Issa Awad emphasized the need for legislative backing from the Jordanian government to advance maritime endeavors, citing Aqaba’s pivotal role as a gateway for regional trade.

Awad, also General Manager of Pole Star Consulting, highlighted Jordan’s maritime potential, advocating for tailored policies to secure a significant share of the local market for Jordanian shipping lines.

Collaboration between the government and maritime professionals, he noted, could spearhead the establishment and operation of a competitive national fleet serving both domestic and international interests.

Captain Muhammad Dalabih, Secretary General of the Navigation Syndicate in Jordan, underscored the significance of a nati
onal carrier, pointing out challenges stemming from the absence of a robust maritime presence.

Dalabih identified Arab Bridge Company as a potential candidate to expand its operations to fulfill the role of a national carrier.

In academia, a commercial law professor and assistant dean at Irbid National University stressed the need for comprehensive legislative enhancements to capitalize on maritime trade opportunities.

Emphasizing maritime transport’s pivotal role in global market expansion, he urged the development of maritime legislation to facilitate trade, enhance exports, and integrate Jordan into the global economy.

Against the backdrop of evolving Red Sea dynamics, he emphasized the strategic importance of a national carrier, citing its potential to facilitate cost-effective, large-scale cargo transportation, particularly given that 90 percent of global trade occurs via sea routes.

The ESCWA-approved memorandum underscores maritime transport’s role in fostering regional trade and socioeconomic int
egration. It outlines provisions to support ongoing development of national fleets in the ESCWA and Arab regions.

Established in 2003, the Jordan Academy for Maritime Studies has trained over 26,000 students and trainees, hailing from more than 50 Arab and foreign nationalities, bolstering the global maritime workforce.

Source: Jordan News Agency