Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Amman: Jordan will see the formation of a parliament based on parliamentary blocs and parties, according to Minister of Political and Parliamentary Affairs Haditha Khraisha, who also stated that economic sectors are interested in participating in the political modernization process.

During his meeting with chambers of commerce, industry, and businessmen in the southern region on Wednesday, Khraisha emphasized that the economic sectors must be integrated into the political process and urged its stakeholders to engage in voting and electing.

During the meeting, held in Petra, the minister explained that Jordan will see the establishment of a parliament based on program blocks, and that the economic sectors are keen to have a role in the political system and engage in it through interaction, communication, affiliation with parties, voting on September 10, and supporting the political orientations that they deem appropriate.

Khraisha noted that the approval of legislation affects every Jordanian citizen, and e
very sector has an impact on and relation to legislation.

He said that Jordanian citizens expect economic programs from parties that seek to help governments solve poverty and unemployment, support investment, and solve the debt issue.

The minister stressed that Jordanian citizens will evaluate the parties based on their programs and not on their personalities.

The minister warned against black money, stressing that the electoral law and other legislation have addressed this electoral crime through the provisions of the law and its penalties for those who practice it in order to preserve the reputation of the parliamentary elections.

He said that the ministry has implemented an awareness and education plan in cooperation with many partners and sectors, as many meetings were held with the economic sectors stakeholders in Amman, and these meetings will continue during the coming period in the governorates, as the ministry acknowledges the importance of this sector.

The heads of chambers of commerce and bus
inessmen discussed many issues related to legislation that incentivizes investment, unemployment and debt issues, and ways to support this sector.

With regard to legislation governing political modernization, an in-depth discussion was held on various issues of concern, which would encourage workers in these sectors to engage in the political modernization process.

Source: Jordan News Agency