Jordan has impressive achievements in renewable energy, says ministry official

Assistant Secretary-General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Hassan Hayari, highlighted the imperative of establishing a unified global electric grid to streamline the transportation of green energy from countries abundant in clean energy resources to those in need. This interconnected network would not only result in cost reduction but also extend the benefits of green energy to all nations involved. Hayari conveyed his message during an address delivered at the 14th session of the Committee on Energy, an integral part of the Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA), held in Beirut, Lebanon. In his discourse, Hayari underscored the tangible impact of the transition to green energy, which has become an inherent part of our daily lives. This paradigm shift is reinforced by prevailing global trends, particularly the outcomes and recommendations stemming from the Sharm el-Sheikh Climate Change Conference (COP 27). These outcomes called for heightened international commitments to emission reduction through all feasible means, with a specific emphasis on renewable energy and energy conservation. The attainment of this collective objective necessitates a collaborative endeavor involving all stakeholders. Furthermore, he shed light on the role of Jordan in aligning with worldwide transformations, saying that the Kingdom’s Economic Modernization Vision, launched in June 2022, aims to significantly elevate Jordan’s standing in terms of prosperity and global economic competitiveness indicators, as well as augment the overall satisfaction of its citizens regarding their quality of life. Delving into the core elements of the Vision, Hayari expounded on the two pillars underpinning its foundation. The first revolves around fostering sustainable and comprehensive growth by fully harnessing the economic potential of the Kingdom, while the second focuses on society, with the primary objective of enhancing the quality of life for all Jordanians, ensuring a brighter future. Both pillars are intertwined by their shared commitment to sustainability. He also provided insights into the comprehensive scope of the Vision, which encompassed the eight pillars driving national economic growth, serving as its foundational elements. It embraced high-value industries, future services, the establishment of Jordan as a global destination, leadership, innovation, quality of life, sustainable environment, and investment. The Vision also placed considerable emphasis on sustainable resources, with the energy sector occupying a pivotal position within its framework. He also underscored the paramount importance of transitioning towards renewable energy sources, as highlighted by the Economic Modernization Vision, which emphasized the urgent need to develop a strategic roadmap for the transformation of the energy sector, specifically directing it towards renewable and alternative sources. This transformation involved the establishment of power and electricity stations, the facilitation of regional connectivity, the formulation of regulatory frameworks and policies to align with future demands, and the implementation of incentives aimed at reducing costs. During his presentation, Hayari outlined the remarkable achievements realized by Jordan in line with the recommendations put forth during the 13th session of the Committee on Energy. He remarked, “In the realm of renewable energy, the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources is actively executing a series of projects that will position Jordan as a regional hub for exporting green energy. This will be achieved through the production of electricity from renewable sources and the advancement of green hydrogen initiatives. These endeavors are in complete alignment with the recently launched Economic Modernization Vision by the government.” Furthermore, he highlighted the significant milestones attained by Jordan in the field of renewable energy implementation. The cumulative capacity of solar and wind energy projects in the country has reached an impressive milestone of approximately 2.6 gigawatts by the end of 2022. This notable achievement has contributed to approximately 27% of the total electricity consumption within the Kingdom, solidifying Jordan’s commitment to sustainable energy practices and a greener future. He also highlighted the steady growth of renewable energy’s contribution to the country’s total electricity consumption, which was previously limited to a mere 1% until 2014 but has since risen to its current level. With these notable achievements, Hayari proudly announced that Jordan has secured the top rank in the region for the cumulative capacity of renewable energy sources used in electricity generation. This recognition came from the Arab Future Energy Index (AFEX) report for 2022, prepared by the Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE). He reiterated the commitment to further elevate the share of renewable energy in Jordan’s electricity generation to an ambitious target of 50%. To accomplish this goal, the Ministry of Energy is currently undertaking a comprehensive review of the energy sector’s strategy, and is actively supporting initiatives that promote electric transportation and the production of green hydrogen. Recognizing the multifaceted nature of this endeavor, Hayari emphasized the ministry’s proactive approach in implementing the necessary technical, legislative, and strategic measures, noting that the reinforcement and stability of the electrical grid stand as critical components of this effort, with a particular focus on transitioning to smart grids. Moreover, he said, the ministry is actively pursuing energy storage projects and expanding electrical connectivity ventures with neighboring countries and international partners. He also stressed the importance of maximizing the benefits derived from all available tools and technologies to overcome the technical challenges inherent in renewable energy integration. As for the Kingdom’s achievements in implementing the recommendation for electricity delivery to consumers, Hayari said that the electricity coverage in Jordan has reached an impressive 99.9% of the population, placing the country among the few in the region with high levels of electricity coverage. He emphasized that the work to provide electricity to beneficiaries is ongoing through the Rural Electrification Project. The Project ensures to provide access to a reliable electric power supply for rural dwellers. The number of beneficiaries has reached an impressive 906,499, with a total cost of approximately JD202 million. Furthermore, Hayari revealed that multiple projects are currently underway to install solar energy systems in the homes of low-income families, both through grid-connected and off-grid solutions. These initiatives are supported by the National Aid Fund. In addition, off-grid solar energy projects are being implemented to provide electricity for pumping water from remote artesian wells that are not connected to existing electricity networks. To date, 186 sites have benefited from these projects. He also highlighted a project initiated in 2019 to replace 410,000 energy-efficient street lighting units. The project was divided into four tenders covering different regions of the Kingdom, with a total cost of approximately JD65.164 million. The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources and the Ministry of Local Administration shared the project’s costs equally. Commending the Regional Initiative to promote Small-Scale Renewable Energy Applications in rural areas of the Arab Region, implemented in Jordan on November 25, 2022, Hayari mentioned the successful completion and inauguration of various activities related to the initiative. Furthermore, to address the interdependence of water and energy, Hayari stressed that Jordan faces challenges due to water scarcity and the absence of oil and other natural resources, saying that the country heavily relies on imported energy, posing a significant burden on the state’s budget. Additionally, he emphasized the rising costs in the water sector due to declining groundwater levels and the growing impact of climate change. The situation necessitates the extraction of water from deeper depths, requiring additional energy for water treatment and desalination processes. Hayari underlined the importance of developing sustainable local energy sources through effective planning and strategies, emphasizing the need for scientific results and recommendations to foster an active partnership between the water and energy sectors. In terms of energy efficiency, Hayari elucidated the establishment of the Jordan Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Fund (JREEEF) in 2012 at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources. The fund plays a crucial role in providing the necessary financing for energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. It designs and supports financing mechanisms that benefit users of renewable energy. Regarding hydrogen, Hayari stressed the increasing necessity of green hydrogen production to combat climate change and environmental degradation, indicating that green hydrogen is seen as a potential savior for the planet, mitigating the negative effects of climate change, such as rising temperatures, erratic weather patterns, and increased volatility and hurricanes caused by high carbon emissions. As he concluded his address, Hayari showcased Jordan’s efforts to become a regional hub for green energy exports and leverage its comparative advantages, noting that the country possesses suitable lands for generating a significant amount of electricity from renewable sources and a favorable geographic location that enables the export of green hydrogen and its derivatives worldwide. Moreover, he mentioned ongoing efforts, including the development of a Green Hydrogen Strategy, expected to be adopted and announced in the third quarter of this year. This strategy reflects Jordan’s commitment to expanding clean energy sources and enhancing local energy sources within the overall energy mix.

Source: Jordan News Agency