Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Jordan’s Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs and Holy Sanctities Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalilah said on Thursday the brotherly bonds between Kuwait and Jordan are outstanding on all levels, thanks to much support by the two countries’ political leaderships.

The minister made the statement while inaugurating a mosque in Amman, in the presence of Kuwait Ambassador to Jordan Hamad Al-Marri and some officials.

Al-Khalilah expressed appreciation to Kuwait’s Sheikh Abdullah Al Nouri Charity Society for its donation to the mosque.

Meanwhile, Ambassador Al-Marri said in a similar speech that cooperation between Kuwait and Jordan have been deep-rooted for decades, stressing the significance of partnerships in all fields between Kuwaiti and Jordanian institutions to serve two peoples’ interest.

He stressed the need of Kuwaiti humanitarian sector’s contribution to development and charitable projects in Jordan, mainly building houses of worship.

For his part, Mahmoud Al-Nuri, the society’s representative, said the inau
guration of this mosque comes in continuation of cooperation between humanitarian and charitable action, referring to deep-rooted ties between the two countries. The two-storey mosque is established on an area of 380 sm, and it includes two prayer rooms for males and females, in addition to some other facilities.

Source: Kuwait News Agency