Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Jordan Chamber of Commerce (JCC) Chairman Khalil Hajj Tawfiq said Monday that Egypt is a key economic partner of Jordan, and urged economic integration between the two countries.

In a meeting with Egyptian Ambassador Mohammed Samir, Tawfiq spoke of the need that 2025 be a year of cooperation and deep economic partnership through holding an expanded business meeting and exhibition of Egyptian products in the Kingdom.

However, he said the volume of trade between the two countries is still modest, and it does not match the close, “brotherly” relations and the potentials available to them, calling for enhanced exchanges between the private sectors of the two countries, especially Jordanian exports.

Jordanian exports to Egypt in the first five months of the year were about JD59 million, compared to JD269 million in imports.

Tawfiq said Jordan is keen to benefit from the Egyptian expertise in food, clothing, furniture and household appliances industries, particularly raw materials, pointing to efforts to overco
me barriers to a smooth flow of goods.

The Egyptian envoy noted the deep Jordan-Egyptian relations in various fields, which he said, should impact bilateral economic cooperation, maximize the benefit from existing opportunities and galvanize the private sector to launch more partnerships.

The Egyptian embassy, he pledged, will facilitate the movement of goods between the two countries, and increase Jordanian exports to the Egyptian market.

Source: Jordan News Agency