Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Palestinian Arabic-language dailies focused today on the killing of Palestinian young man Rabi Arafah Rabi, 32, by Israeli gunfire yesterday in Qalqilia and the injury of teenager Mohammad Abu Qteish, 16, by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah.

Following are the main headlines of the three dailies:


– A Palestinian young man been killed [by Israeli gunfire] near an Israeli checkpoint in Qalqilia, while a teenager has been seriously injured [by Israeli gunfire] in a football pitch in Sheikh Jarrah.

– Suffocation cases among Palestinians as [Israeli forces] attack protesters in Kafr Qaddum, and Israeli forces and settlers continued their war on [Palestinian] olive-harvesters.

– Confrontations with the Israeli occupation forces and settlers in several areas [across the West Bank].

– A protest has been held in Washington in solidarity with the Palestinian people and in condemnation of Israeli crimes.

– The Israeli occupation claims a car-ramming attempt took place [yesterday] at Barta’a checkpoint [near Jenin].

– Zehava Gal-On: Resuming negotiations with the Palestinians will be a main theme in talks to form a new government in Israel.

– Netanyahu pledges to supply Ukraine with weapons in the event that he wins the upcoming election.

Al-Hayat Al-Jadida:

– Rabi Arafah… Killed [by Israeli forces] a few days before his scheduled wedding ceremony.

– A teenager [has been] shot and seriously injured by Israeli occupation forces in the occupied Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, and the occupation forces detain his father and brother.

– President Mahmoud Abbas accepts the accreditation letters of Egypt’s new ambassador and the Netherland’s new representative to Palestine.

– A delegation from the Palestinian cabinet is expected to visit the city of Nablus on Monday to closely examine the consequences arising from the ongoing Israeli siege on the city.

– Economy Ministry is expected to hold Zara company accountable for its Israel agent’s support for racist Israeli MK Itamar Ben-Gvir.

– [The Israeli District Court] is expected to hold another session [on Sunday] to look once again into an appeal for the release of 50-year-old Palestinian prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid due to the serious deterioration of his health.


– [Israeli occupation forces] kill a Palestinian in Qalqilia and injure another one in Jerusalem.

– The city of Nablus remains under Israeli siege for 12 days in a row.

– [The Israeli District Court] is expected to hold another session today to look once again into an appeal for the release of 50-year-old Palestinian prisoner Nasser Abu Hmeid due to the serious deterioration of his health.

– Israeli soldiers and settlers attack olive harvesters [in the West Bank].

– 250 Arab and international academics endorse call for academic boycott of the Israeli occupation.

– A delegation from the Palestinian cabinet is expected to visit the city of Nablus on Monday to closely examine the consequences arising from the ongoing Israeli siege on the city.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency