Israeli settlers raze Palestinian agricultural land to build a road linking their illegal West Bank settlements

Israeli settlers today razed Palestinian agricultural land south of Qaryout village, south of the occupied northern West Bank city of Nablus, in order to build a road linking their illegal settlements.

Bashar Qaryouti, an activist, told WAFA that the villagers discovered this morning that the settlers have razed their land to build a road linking the illegal settlement of Eli, in the west, with the settlement of Shilo, in the south, adding that the settlers razed more than 40 dunums of private Palestinian lands, some of which was planted with olive trees, in the southern part of the village.

He pointed out that the bulldozing of the land comes as a prelude to placing caravans in the area and establishing a new settlement outpost, adding that the villagers last year removed an outpost in the same area to prevent the establishment of new settlement that would suffocate the village from all sides.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)