Israeli settlers’ rampage, soldiers attacking protests highlight of the dailies

Ongoing and unabated Israeli settlers’ rampage and Israeli soldiers attacking protests in the occupied territories were highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies published today.

Al-Quds, al-Ayyam, and al-Hayat al-Jadida said settlers chopped dozens of trees and sabotaged several Palestinian-owned vehicles during a rampage in the north of the West Bank and attacked herders in the south causing damage while at the same time soldiers attempted to block Israeli peace activists from helping Palestinians in Burin village in the north of the West Bank to plant trees in their lands located near an illegal settlement and attacked protests in other areas causing injuries.

Al-Quds said Israel approved the construction of over 5000 housing units in illegal settlements around occupied Jerusalem and at the same time, said the paper in a report from its US correspondent quoting an “informed” source, Washington warned Tel Aviv against building Avyatar settlement on Mount Sabih, south of Nablus.

Al-Ayyam said dozens of activists demonstrated in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood of occupied East Jerusalem against Israeli attempts to dislodge Palestinian residents in order to replace them with Jewish settlers, while al-Quds daily printed a picture of the demonstration on its front page.

Al-Hayat al-Jadida said Israel has decided to demolish the house of the family of Mohammad Jaradat in the north of the West Bank as a punitive measure after he was accused of killing an Israeli.

It said Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh met in Addis Ababa, where he arrived yesterday to attend the African Union summit, with African leaders and other officials.

Al-Ayyam quoted Fatah official, Azzam al-Ahmad, saying that the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), in which he is a member of its Executive Committee, came under strong pressure to cancel tomorrow’s session of the Palestinian Central Council, the second highest decision-making body in the PLO, but that since the meeting is going to be held in Ramallah tomorrow, it is now under pressure regarding the decisions it is going to make.

It said US lawmakers have called for an American investigation into the death of Palestinian-American Omar Asaad, 78, who died of a heart attack after he was stopped and detained by Israeli soldiers for several hours and mistreated in a village near Ramallah three weeks ago and that the Israeli chief of staff has published an apology for the death of Asaad.

The latest with coronavirus in Palestine, the region, and the world was also highlighted on the front page of the three Palestinian Arabic dailies.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency