Israeli repression units raid sections of Palestinian detainees in Megiddo & Ofer

Israeli repression units raided today the sections of the Palestinian prisoners in the Israeli prisons of Megiddo and Ofer and brutally assaulted them, the Palestinian Prisoner’s Society (PPS) said in a statement.

Hasan Abed Rabbo, a spokesman for the Commission, said Israeli repression forces attacked the Palestinian prisoners while they were inside their rooms, beat them up and destroyed their belongings.

Tensions are already high in the Israeli prisons where thousands of Palestinian prisoners and detainees are held in the aftermath of Israel’s decision to shorten the daily time that the prisoners are allowed to go to the prison yard.

Last week, representatives of the Palestinian political prisoners in Israeli detention declared the state of general mobilization in protest of a new series of reprisal measures by the Israel Prison Service (IPS).

According to prisoner advocacy groups, the decision of the Palestinian prisoners last week was made after IPS went back on understandings that had been previously reached with prisoners’ representatives in late September 2021.

The Israeli occupation authorities are incarcerating more than 4,500 Palestinian and Arab prisoners for resisting the Israeli occupation of their homeland.

In recent years, Palestinian prisoners in Israeli detention have launched multiple strikes to demand better imprisonment conditions, including an end to the unjustified Israeli policy of raiding prisoners’ sections.

Source: Palestinian News & Information Agency