Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

RAMALLAH, Israeli occupation forces shot and killed a Palestinian young man during a raid on the cities of Ramallah and Al-Bireh on Tuesday morning and bombed two apartments owned by Palestinian detainees.

The Palestine News and Info Agency (WAFA) quoted medical and local sources as saying that Moataz Sarsour, from Al-Amari camp, was critically injured after he was shot by the occupation forces in the chest, and was transferred to the Palestine Medical Complex, where doctors pronounced him dead due to his injuries.

It added that they have dealt with two other injured Palestinians, a 20 year old who was shot in the leg, and a 31-year-old who was run over by a military vehicle.

During the raid, the occupation soldiers fired bullets and tear gas bombs at civilians and journalists.

The two apartments belonged to two former Palestinian detainees, Ayser Barghouthi and Khaled Al-Kharouf, which the Israeli occupation forces assume that they carried out a shooting attack east of Ramallah last July.

Last July, Isr
aeli occupation forces have bombed the house of a former Palestinian detainee Mourid Dahdaha, in the town of Atara, north of Ramallah Allah over a similar claim.

Source: Kuwait News Agency