Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

TEL-AVIV: Israel has announced plans to return 20 Palestinian patients and their companions to the Gaza Strip on Monday, August 19, despite the patients’ medical needs, said a press release issued by Physicians for Human Rights.

These individuals, who have been receiving treatment at hospitals in East Jerusalem, face severe health risks if returned to Gaza due to the lack of necessary medical care and ongoing conflict in the region.

Among those affected are two cancer patients and one individual who recently underwent open heart surgery. Their current medical conditions require continuous treatment and follow-up, which cannot be provided in Gaza.

Physicians for Human Rights-Israel (PHRI) has urgently appealed to the Israeli authorities to extend their stay by an additional 21 days. This extension would allow the patients and their companions to challenge the decision and present their case to remain in East Jerusalem.

Last Thursday, the patients and their companions were notified by their hospitals that t
he Israeli military intends to return them to Gaza on Monday. In response, the group has sought assistance from PHRI to secure an extension for their medical treatment in East Jerusalem.

In March, PHRI successfully petitioned the High Court on behalf of similar patients, resulting in a ruling that permitted patients and their companions to contact the Coordinator of Operations in the Territories to contest decisions regarding their permit extensions.

PHRI now demands that the Israeli authorities honor this court decision and allow the patients to remain in Israel while their appeal is processed. The organization has indicated its intention to petition the High Court again if necessary.

Since the closing of the Rafah crossing in May, patients’ ability to leave Gaza for essential medical treatment not available in Gaza has been further restricted. During June and July, Israel facilitated the evacuation of 89 patients and 127 companions to Egypt and the Emirates through the Keren Shalom crossing. On Aug 15, 2
6 patients and companions left through the Kerem Shalom Crossing and the Allenby Bridge Crossing to receive medical treatment in Jordan.

An estimated 14,000 patients and wounded individuals in Gaza require medical care unavailable locally, with dozens more needing evacuation daily.

PHRI has condemned the decision to return the patients to Gaza, asserting that it is medically indefensible and potentially life-threatening. “Israel’s decision to return patients to the Gaza Strip, after having devastated its healthcare system and continuing its attacks on it, is wrong from medical, legal, and moral perspectives” stated PHRI.

“Continuous follow-up and access to appropriate health services are crucial to their care. This decision not only jeopardizes their health but also undermines the fundamental principle of continuity of care.”

Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA