Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Israeli judicial authorities today okayed the punitive demolition of Palestinian prisoner Mohammad Yousef Jaradat’s home in the town of Silat al-Harithiya in the northern West Bank province of Jenin.

Jaradat’s family had earlier submitted a petition through Israeli human rights group HaMoked to annul the demolition order, but was informed today that the petition was rejected and that their home is now slated for demolition.

Last week, Israeli occupation army blew up the home of Palestinian prisoner Mahmoud Jaradat in Silat al-Harithiya amid fierce clashes with local residents and residents of neighboring villages.

Israel has convicted both Mahmoud and Mohammad of killing a colonial Israeli settler outside Homesh yeshiva in the north of the occupied West Bank last December.

Israeli occupation authorities have long used to punitively demolish the family homes of Palestinians accused of carrying out attacks on Israelis, a policy that Israel does not apply to Israeli settlers who are involved in fatal attacks against Palestinians.

The policy has been widely condemned by human rights groups as a collective punishment and a war crime.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)