Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

RAMALLAH: The Israeli occupation authorities admitted the involvement of 19 prison guards affiliated with the Israel Prison Services (IPS) in the severe beating of Palestinian prisoner Thayer Abu Assab, 38, from the northern West Bank city of Qalqilya, last month, which led to his death.

The newspaper, Israel Hayom, said today that Abu Assab, whose death was declared on November 18, underwent an autopsy that confirmed that he had been assaulted and beaten, which caused his death.

It said that all 19 jailers involved in the assault had been released under ‘restrictive conditions’ until the investigation ends.

The extremist Israeli Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben Gvir, expressed his support for the prison guards, claiming they were innocent until proven otherwise, and that he is against charging anyone of them in the killing of Abu Assab while describing the Palestinian freedom fighters incarcerated in Israeli prisons as ‘human scums’ and ‘murderers’.

The Prisoners and Ex-Prisoners Affairs Commiss
ion had previously confirmed that the occupation authorities had assassinated Abu Assab, who was held at the Naqab desert prison. He had been detained since May 27, 2005, and was sentenced to 25 years in prison.

It accused the IPS of carrying out systematic and premeditated assassinations against the prisoners.

It is noteworthy that since October 7, six Palestinian detainees have died in the Israeli occupation prisons as a result of barbaric and brutal beatings.
Source: Palestine News and Information Agency – WAFA