Sun. Sep 22nd, 2024

The Islamic Dawa Party confirmed that targeting a building in the southern suburb of the capital Beirut by mercenaries of the Zionist entity is an insistence on expanding and continuing the war, which may drag the region into its absurd holocaust, a war that does not seem to have an end in sight.

The party said in a statement: “The targeting aims to destroy the capabilities of the nation and subject the peoples to the logic of normalization and the leadership of the usurping entity.”

He added: “While we condemn this brutal aggression, which led to the martyrdom of a group of field commanders, we offer our condolences to our brothers in Hezbollah for the martyrdom of these heroes who devoted themselves to their faith and to defending the oppressed and the just causes of the nation, and we affirm our solidarity with them and our standing by their side in these difficult circumstances.”

He stated: “Confronting this enemy and limiting its persistence in its transgression and evil requires a solid Islamic stanc
e that rises to the level of confrontation, from all Arab and Islamic peoples and countries and all free peoples.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency