Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

Bait al-Faqih district in Hodeida province on Wednesday hosted a significant speech event marking the anniversary of Imam Zaid’s martyrdom.

Under the theme “Insight and Jihad,” the gathering emphasized the enduring relevance of Imam Zaid’s revolutionary principles.

The event highlighted the importance of emulating Imam Zaid’s revolution and drawing lessons from his life and sacrifices in the fight against injustice and oppression.

Hussein Sahl, the district director, spoke about the ongoing conspiracies against the nation’s religion, values, and Islamic principles, reflecting on Imam Zaid’s slogan “Insight and Jihad” as a call to action against tyranny.

Sahl underscored that the current Yemeni revolution is a continuation of the legacy of the Prophet Muhammad’s family, defending the nation’s approach to confronting injustice.

He also noted the attempts by adversaries to erase the historical impact of the Imams of guidance and divert the nation from its path of resistance.

Mujahed al-Jaber, Director of t
he Guidance Office, emphasized that Imam Zaid’s revolution aimed to restore the integrity of Islam and promote justice during a period of national weakness and degradation.

He drew parallels between the historical struggle for justice and the present-day aggression against Palestinians and other oppressed peoples, stressing the need for unwavering perseverance in the face of global tyranny.

Source: Yemen News Agency