Sun. Sep 15th, 2024


A cultural event was held at Ibn Al-Haytham College in Mahabsha, Hajjah Province, to commemorate the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday (PBUH).

At the event, a member of Ansar Allah’s political Office, Daifallah al-Shami, stressed that the Yemeni people’s celebration of this solemn religious occasion embodies the imitation, glorification, veneration and belonging to the Prophet (peace be upon him and his family).

Al-Shami expressed pride in the Prophet as the only way to victory, glory and victory in God’s enemies’ face and the forces of aggression.

He touched on the plans of the enemies that failed in the awareness face and steadfastness of the people of wisdom and faith, the freemen of the Yemenis. He called on everyone to mobilize , show joy and happiness on the his birth anniversary – peace be upon him and his family.

At the event, which was attended by the provincial deputy for Al-Sharafin districts, Zaid Al-Hakim, the college dean, Yahya Al-Qaafi, pointed out that the celebration of the Al
-Mustafa’s birth anniversary – may Allah bless him and his family – is a station to follow his footsteps, follow his path, and deliver a message to the world that the Yemenis adhere to the Holy Prophet and the guidance flags.

Source: Yemen News Agency