Ibb province witnessed massive student march

Jableh city in Ibb province witnessed a massive student march denouncing America’s coalition to protect Israeli ships, under the slogan ‘The coalition to protect Israeli ships does not intimidate us.’

The participants in the march, which was attended by the Director of the Directorate, Muhammad Al-Marisi, chanted slogans authorizing the leadership of the revolution to implement appropriate options to support the people, the Palestinian resistance , to continue bombing Zionist targets and interests, whether in the occupied territories or ships passing through the Red , Arabian Seas and Aden Gulf.

They affirmed their readiness and preparedness for any possibilities or confrontations with America, stressing their adherence to a principled, firm position with the people, the Palestinian resistance and their readiness for direct confrontation with the Zionist enemy.

A statement issued by the march renewed the call for the countries neighboring Palestine to provide safe passage for the free Yemeni people, who w
ill flock in the hundreds of thousands to Palestine to support the Palestinians, confront the militias of the Zionist entity, and defeat them from occupied Palestine.

The statement warned neighboring countries against direct or indirect involvement, publicly or secretly, with the so-called coalition to protect Israeli ships.

It stressed the continued strikes by naval forces on Israeli ships or those heading to the Zionist entity.
Source: Yemen News Agency