Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Jerusalem – Ma’an – The Israeli human rights organization B’Tselem revealed on Monday systematic torture practices in Israeli prisons.

She added in a report that 4,781 Palestinian prisoners were subjected to various forms of torture and abuse, including 623 children and women.

The report documents cases of systematic physical and psychological abuse, including solitary confinement, constant restraint, and deprivation of medical care and food.

The report also included testimonies of Palestinian prisoners recounting their harsh experiences, as they conveyed their suffering under difficult and inhumane conditions, confirming that they were subjected to severe torture and humiliation.

The report stated that there are at least 60 prisoners who have been held in solitary confinement for more than 60 days, in harsh and inhumane conditions.

B’Tselem notes that the Israeli government, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, escalated its violations after October 7, adopting a new policy of imposing harsher meas
ures against Palestinian prisoners, with the aim of suppressing any form of resistance.

B’Tselem called on the international community to take immediate action and pressure the Israeli government to stop these systematic violations against Palestinian prisoners. The organization stressed the need to form an independent international commission of inquiry to investigate these violations and hold those responsible accountable.

B’Tselem relied in its report on dozens of testimonies and statements from Palestinian prisoners and their families, in addition to field investigations and medical and legal documents.

The report comes at a sensitive time, coinciding with escalating tensions in the region and ongoing confrontations between Palestinians and Israeli occupation forces.

Source: Maan News Agency