Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Ministry of Human Rights condemned in the strongest terms the terrorist massacre committed by the American-British aggression in Hodeida Province, which resulted in the martyrdom and injury of dozens.

In a statement, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba), the Ministry of Human Rights described this crime as brutal and terrorist, which proves that America is the mother of terrorism and its maker in the world through ISIS groups and the usurping entity that practices the most heinous crimes against the Palestinian people.

It pointed out that the crime comes in the context of America’s continued flagrant violations of international laws and is considered a blatant infringement on the sovereign right of the Republic of Yemen.

It denounced the criminal behavior of America and Britain in their aggression against Yemen, which comes in light of the continued support for massacres, extermination , starvation of the Palestinian people, in an effort to subjugate the Yemeni will , its huma
nitarian positions in support of international laws and principles pressing to stop the massacres in Gaza and break the siege on it.

The statement stressed that the aggression launched against Yemen ten years ago, the massacres committed against the people to this day, and the ongoing crimes occurring in Gaza are America and its allies’ responsibility, which proves that false human rights defenders are the biggest human rights violators in the world.

It pointed to the legal and humanitarian legitimacy of the solidarity of the Yemeni leadership, government , people with Palestine and its support for the Palestinian cause with all possible options, considering this an established religious duty, its legitimacy continues as long as the aggression , siege on the stricken and besieged Gaza Strip continues.

The Ministry of Human Rights also confirmed that the genocide committed by the Zionists, with direct support from America and Britain, to the residents of Gaza Strip is unprecedented in contemporary history.

t stated that insulting human dignity and undermining international humanitarian conventions, principles, treaties necessitates more international and international positions that put more pressure on America, Britain, and the Zionist entity to stop their crimes against the Palestinian and Yemeni peoples.

Source: Yemen News Agency