Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Islamic Resistance in Lebanon, Hezbollah, on Monday praised the Yemeni missile strike that targeted the Zionist enemy in Jaffa, noting that it revealed the weakness of the entity at all levels.

“We highly commend the qualitative missile attack on the Zionist entity, which was carried out by the missile force of the Yemeni armed forces and achieved its objectives very accurately in complex military conditions and exposed the weakness of this temporary entity at all levels,” Hezbollah said in a statement.

“The courageous decision taken by the honorable leadership in dear Yemen to respond to the aggression is a real expression of the general and unified position of the axis of resistance on all fronts to continue supporting and supporting the oppressed Palestinian people and their honorable and valiant resistance, lifting injustice and suffering from them, and stopping the war of racial and criminal genocide.”

Source: Yemen News Agency