Hajjah governor inspects water projects, coffee farms in Sharas

The Governor of Hajjah, Hilal Al-Sufi, inspected a number of water projects in the Shars District.

The Governor of Hajjah listened to an explanation about the performance of the project, which benefits most of the people of Sharas Isolation and neighboring villages.

Al-Sufi was also briefed on the project of digging a well and operating it with solar energy, along with its accessories, which was recently opened.

The project’s capacity is 158 kilowatts, at a cost of 106 million and 413 thousand riyals, funded by the Central Emergency Development Interventions Unit.

He stressed the keenness to implement sustainable water projects and deliver services to citizens, given the importance given to them by the revolutionary leadership and the Supreme Political Council to alleviate some of the suffering of citizens.

The Governor of Hajjah, Hilal Al-Sufi, and his companions were also briefed on the coffee farms and the level of expansion of its cultivation in Wadi Sharas.

Source: Yemen News Agency