Sat. Sep 21st, 2024

The Office of Guidance, Hajj and Umrah in Hajjah Governorate continues its role in strengthening the factors of steadfastness, steadfastness and faith identity and consolidating Quranic culture among society.

During the past year 1445, the office worked to implement the directives and directives of the Leader of the Revolution, Sayyid. Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, and the programs, activities and plans entrusted to it.

The Guidance Department and its branches have intensified efforts to follow up on all the various works, activities and events in the governorate center and districts and actively participate in them to achieve the desired goals.

It worked to complete the formation of the structure of workers in the directorates, isolation and villages, rehabilitate and build them culturally and militarily, and enhance their capabilities, whether at the level of the Holy Quran Academy or the Al-Aqsa flood programs.

It was keen to pay attention to activating charity programs and activities and promotin
g social solidarity, whether through social, developmental and community institutions, and providing support to the Women’s Awareness Department with guidance for the success of women’s programs and activities.

The efforts made during the past year resulted in the establishment of 22,306 seminars, lectures, thoughts, events, pauses and marches on various religious occasions and the promotion of faith identity and Quranic culture.

A report issued by the Guidance Office in the province, a copy of which was received by the Yemeni News Agency Saba, indicated the implementation of one thousand and 804 seminars and lectures on the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein and Imam Zaid, peace be upon them, 428 events and evenings, and 187 pauses and marches.

According to the report, the celebration of the Prophet’s birthday witnessed the establishment of 7,574 seminars and lectures, one thousand and 717 events and evenings, and 464 pauses and marches.

According to the report, 4,515 seminars and lectures were
held on the anniversary of the martyr, 738 events and evenings, 886 vigils and marches, compared to 459 seminars, 109 events and 70 vigils and marches on the anniversary of the martyr leader.

The report stated that 828 seminars, 105 events and 400 vigils and marches were held in memory of the Great Battle of Badr, the martyrdom of Imam Ali bin Abi Talib, peace be upon him, and the International Quds Day.

The report showed the implementation of 223 seminars, 131 events, 307 vigils and marches on the anniversary of the cry against the arrogant, one thousand and 200 seminars, 134 events and 26 marches in celebration of the day of the mandate of Imam Ali, peace be upon him.

During the past year, according to the report, the Guidance Office carried out 129 workshops targeting 8,383 offices and operations of the governorate, directorates, executive and sub-committees, isolation followers, directors of closed and open summer courses, and evaluators of Ramadan programs.

The report added that 9,300 Ramadan program
s were held during the Holy Ramadan to strengthen the faith identity and enhance the benefit from the lectures of the Leader of the Revolution, Mr. Abdul Malik Badr Al-Din Al-Houthi, in providing the guidance of Allah and the guidance of the Holy Quran.

The report pointed to the allocation of one thousand and 552 mosques for the Ramadan program, 5 thousand and 630 councils, one thousand and 489 women’s councils, 385 official headquarters, in addition to 244 security headquarters and the establishment of one thousand and 146 seminars.

According to the report, the office contributed to the establishment of summer courses, the preparation of more than 5,754 teachers in more than one thousand and 258 schools in the governorate center and directorates, and the supervision of the Holy Quran Academy, the schools of the martyr of the Qur’an, the generation of the Qur’an and Al Badr.

The office also had a prominent role in mobilizing and mobilizing in support of Al-Aqsa and active participation in organizing 832 ma
rches during the past year, two thousand, 174 pauses, one thousand and 31 events and evenings, one thousand and 42 meetings, one thousand and 668 lectures, in addition to 8 thousand and 600 thoughts and 49 seminars

Source: Yemen News Agency