Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

Amman: Minister of Energy and Mineral Resources, Saleh Kharabsheh said on Saturday that the government is looking to invest in the Risha gas field and maximize the use of ores in the area, most importantly phosphate, to achieve economic integration, relying on natural gas in power generation.

In a visit to inspect the drilling work carried out by Oman’s Al Tasnim Enterprises for the phosphate ore evaluation project in the Risha area, Kharabsheh added that this investment would contribute to increasing reliance on local sources, boosting the availability of jobs, and reducing operational costs for industries, in line with the Economic Modernization Vision. .

Kharabsheh also inspected the gas well drilling project implemented in the area by the Kuwait Drilling Company for the National Petroleum Company.

Bahjat Al-Adwan, director of natural resources projects at the ministry, said that the gas drilling project targets 10 wells within two years, noting that the project is implemented in cooperation with the Na
tional Petroleum Company.

He explained that the Kuwaiti company will finish drilling the first well within two weeks and start drilling the second well in the same area.

Al-Adwan added that the phosphate ore evaluation project aims to drill 70 wells, and the company managed to finish drilling 5 wells, pointing out that the initial results of the drilling operations are promising and positive.

Source: Jordan News Agency