Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

A Cabinet decision was recently issued in the Official Gazette approving the executive program for the memorandum of understanding (MoU) in the labor areas signed by Jordan’s government, represented by Ministry of Labour, and the Saudi government, represented by Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development for 2023-2024.

The decision to approve the executive program came during the meetings that were held in Amman last September.

Under the agreement, the two sides expressed desire to develop joint labor cooperation and continue implementing the collaboration areas included in the memo in the target areas signed at the beginning of 2015, as the two countries agreed to extend the executive program for a second phase during the period 2023-2024.

In the areas of labor services, the agreement features a review of the Saudi expertise in Nitaqat programme to reduce unemployment, by holding a workshop for joint experts to learn the mechanism to carry out the programme electronically and technically.

This f
uture effort also seeks to discuss the possibility of Jordan’s Ministry of Labor benefiting from the Saudi programme.

Additionally, the agreement includes a review of Jordan’s experience in dealing with domestic workers.

Source: Jordan News Agency