General Supervisor of Official Media: Palestinian media works amid tremendous Israeli threats

RAMALLAH, The General Supervisor of the Official Media, Minister Ahmed Assaf, said today the Palestinian media outlets operate amid tremendous challenges imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities, which amount to the killing of journalists.

During a speech at the Palestine Summit for Social Communication held in Ramallah, minister Assaf said the Israeli occupation authorities are trying to make journalists feel that doing their journalistic duty exposes them to death.

Assaf stressed that the threats and challenges imposed by the occupation are being met with unprecedented determination by the Palestinian media through carrying out its duty, just as it had never backed down for a single moment in the face of Israeli terrorism.

He highly appreciated the level and status that the Palestinian media has reached by keeping pace with the digital revolution, indicating that the official media has 25 platforms on social media, seven of which are in different foreign languages.

These platforms help us address the world and spread our narrative which is based on the truth in the face of the false Zionist narrative, Assaf said, adding that the monthly access rate to the official digital media platforms reaches 100 million, a number that reflects the size of the tremendous efforts made by workers in the official media.

Assaf affirmed that the occupation soldiers are being chased by the correspondents of the Public Authority for Radio and Television and the Palestinian media in general, which is why they are being shot and targeted in all forms.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency