Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

The Gulf Cooperation Council confirmed, in its 157th Ministerial Council meeting, today, Thursday, in Riyadh, that ownership of the natural resources in the submerged area, including the entire “Durra” oil field, is joint ownership between Saudi Arabia and Kuwait only.

He added in an official statement, “Only Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have full rights to exploit the wealth in that region.”

In its statement, the Gulf Cooperation Council stressed “the categorical rejection of any claims about the existence of rights of any other party in this field or the submerged area adjacent to the divided area with its designated borders between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the State of Kuwait.

It is noteworthy that, on August 3, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait announced their “adherence to the right to ownership of the entire “Durra” field,” which is in dispute with Tehran, and the two Gulf countries called on “Iran to negotiate the eastern border of the submerged area between them.”

An official source in the Kuwaiti Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that, “Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia alone have the right to the wealth of the Al-Durra field.”

The source confirmed that “the marine area in which the “Durra” field is located is located in the marine areas of the State of Kuwait, and that the natural resources therein are shared between Kuwait and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, which alone have exclusive rights to the natural wealth in the “Durra” field,” according to the Kuwaiti newspaper, Al-Rai. / End

Source: National Iraqi News Agency