Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

GAZA: For the second consecutive day, a complete outage of telecommunications and internet services persists in central and southern Gaza, as well as parts of Gaza City, due to the ongoing Israeli offensive.

Last night, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology announced a total disruption of communication and internet services for PalTel and Ooredoo companies in central and southern Gaza. It said the ongoing Israeli offensive on the enclave was the cause for this disruption.

The Palestinian Red Crescent Society also reported yesterday that it has completely lost contact with its operations room in the Gaza Strip and all its teams working there. This is due to the Israeli occupation authorities cutting off all landline, cellular, and internet networks entirely for the fifth time since the beginning of the offensive.

The communication blackout is causing serious concerns, as it hampers the ability of residents to access essential services, exacerbates the challenges faced by emergency respon
se teams, and isolates Gaza from the rest of the world during a critical time.
Source: Palestine news & Information Agency – WAFA