Sun. Sep 15th, 2024

France announced Monday the potential involvement of far-left extremists in the sabotage of the main railway lines on the opening day of the Paris 2024 Olympics.

French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin stated on the public national television channel France 2 that French intelligence identified several individuals who could have committed this sabotage, noting that some were placed in police custody for questioning in the Normandy region.

Darmanin added that the sabotage was “deliberate, very precise, and well-targeted,” indicating the modus operandi of the far-left.

Meanwhile, the national company of the French railways SNCF announced on the social media platform X that high-speed train services have returned to normal after the chaos caused by the sabotage.

French Transport Minister Patrice Vergriete confirmed in a press statement that all trains are back in service; however, the perpetrator of the three attacks on key railway infrastructure points remains unknown.

On the morning of last Friday, just
hours before the Olympics opening, coordinated sabotage acts targeted SNCF facilities, affecting 800,000 passengers, according to French authorities.

Source: Kuwait News Agency