Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates called today on the world’s countries to withdraw the licenses of organizations and associations that support Israeli settlements.

In a statement, the ministry said that it is following with great concern the hostile activities of a number of pro-settlement organizations registered as non-profit associations and organizations in a number of foreign countries, which carry out their activities in promoting and expanding settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories, especially in the territories seized by the occupation forces from Palestinian citizens.

The ministry added that these associations work through a wide network to collect donations for the benefit of the settlements, either to build more new settlement units, build infrastructure and streets for settlements, plant large areas of those lands, or plant fruitful trees for the benefit of the settlers and their associations.

The ministry considered that these organizations are hostile to the Palestinian people and participate in the escalation of the racist colonial aggression against them, stressing that it will continue to follow up on the involvement of these organizations in the crime of settlement, documenting and limiting their hostile and illegal activities, in cooperation with many local and international partners, including Israeli organizations.

The ministry affirmed that it will start legal follow-up and accountability for their crimes at all levels, including submitting reports to the United Nations and its bodies and councils, especially the Human Rights Council, so that all international parties bear the responsibility to stop the activities of these organizations, withdraw their licenses and punish those responsible for them, especially in countries that claim to reject and condemn settlements and support human rights principles.

Source: Palestinian News & Info Agency (WAFA)