Wed. Sep 18th, 2024

The Government of the Republic of Yemen condemned in the strongest terms the continuation of Zionist criminality in its heinous massacres against civilians in Gaza with the active direct participation of the US administration, the latest of which was the massacre on Friday, which resulted in the martyrdom of 18 civilians following Zionist raids on the central and southern Gaza Strip.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Emigrants pointed out in a statement issued, that the increasing Zionist gluttony for killing and destruction, which no longer passes a day or hours without the shedding of Palestinian blood without distinguishing between a child, a woman, and an old woman, confirms beyond any doubt how the negotiations adopted by the United States were nothing more than a trap to give enough time to the Zionist criminal machine to complete the ethnic cleansing based on the employment of religion, which makes the war religious par excellence, this is confirmed by the union of the goal and purpose of Jewish Zi
onists and Christian Zionism.

It stressed that this requires the religiously, morally, and humanitarianly Arabic and Islamic regimes to express regret for the effective pressure and declare escalatory positions that rise to the level of the crimes of genocide and systematic destruction carried out by the Zionist religious extremist government, which has not been preceded by the most criminal occupation regimes.

Source: Yemen News Agency