Sun. Sep 8th, 2024

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates today called for an urgent international and American intervention to lift the siege imposed by the Israeli occupation authorities on the cities of Nablus, including the town of Hawara to the south, and Jericho.

It said in a statement that “this siege was a form of collective punishment imposed by force on Palestinian citizens …, which obstructs the life of the Palestinian citizens and their ability to move and reach their sources of livelihood, schools, and hospitals, including children, women, the sick and the elderly, paralyzing their ability to travel through the eastern gate of Palestine, the city of Jericho, with the presence of military barriers that hinder the movement of people for long hours and harm their economies.”

The ministry held the Israeli occupation government fully responsible for this collective punishment policy, its results and its repercussions, considering that it is a dangerous escalation in the situation on the ground and a form of the apartheid system, expressing its surprise at the silence of the international community and the international organizations and bodies that specialize in penalties and collective closures.

Source: Palestine News & Information Agency