Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

Director of the branch of the Supreme Council for the Management and Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and International Cooperation in Al -Hodeida Province, Jaber Al-Razihi, stated that a number of organizations contributed to the relief of those affected by the floods by providing food, shelter and cash assistance.

Al-Razihi explained in a statement to the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) that the Yemeni Red Crescent Society provided shelter materials to those affected by the floods in the districts of Al-Luhayyah, Bajil and Al-Duraihimi, and Wasam Al-Hayat Organization provided 350 food baskets to those affected in the Al-Qanawis district.

The Director of the Supreme Council branch praised the initiative and interaction of these organizations , associations and their contribution to providing relief to the affected families by the floods that swept away their properties , houses and led to the displacement of residents from more than 500 houses.

He stressed that these humanitarian interventions do not meet
the existing need to help those affected by the floods in the villages and areas of the Province, as the scale of the disaster requires continuing relief and assistance to displaced families whose houses were completely or partially destroyed by the floods.

He called on all humanitarian partners to enhance efforts to help all affected families and alleviate the suffering of areas that suffered significant damage due to the torrential floods, stressing the Council branch’s continued coordination to help the affected.

Source: Yemen News Agency