Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

The Foreign Affairs and Expatriates Minister, Jamal Ahmed Amer, met on Sunday with the head of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) delegation in Yemen, Mr. Juerg Montani, who presented his credentials as the new mission representative in Sana’a.

In the meeting, Minister Amer affirmed that the mission will receive all forms of cooperation and facilities from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates and other effective organizations to ensure the success of its missions, in accordance with the approved rules and in a way that contributes to the aid delivery to the most affected communities.

He stressed on redoubling the ICRC mission’s efforts to provide urgent and emergency humanitarian assistance, especially to the provinces that were hit by torrential floods, including Al-Hodeida, Hajjah, Mahwit and Dhamar, which caused a humanitarian disaster for the population in those affected areas.

FM stated that the work program of the Government of Change and Construction emphasized the import
ance of strengthening cooperation and relations between the government and international organizations as a priority for its work and resolving any forms or obstacles facing its work.

He called on the ICRC delegation to include in its plans and projects for the remainder of this year and next year an increase in projects aimed at supporting local communities.

For his part, the head of the ICRC delegation, Mr. Montani, expressed his pleasure to work in Yemen, stressing his openness to cooperate with the government of change and construction to serve the Yemeni citizen.

He said that the ICRC delegation is a neutral organization that does not respond to any external pressures.

Source: Yemen News Agency