Tue. Sep 17th, 2024

Five contestants competed in the Holy Qur’an and cub chanting competitions in Sana’a, on the third evening of the “Greatest Prophet” festival, organized by the Imam Al-Hadi Foundation.

The jury in the Holy Qur’an competition listened to the contestants Haroon Al-Mayad and Mohammed Al-Seri.

The committee, consisting of Qur’anic reciter Muhammad al-Kabari, Qur’anic reciter Hamza Zabara, and Sheikh Muhammad al-Maafi, urged them to take into account the rules of tajweed and focus on getting the letters out of their correct exits.

Nine contestants are participating in the Holy Qur’an competition , 12 youths are participating in the Cubs Chanting Competition, and the semifinalists in both competitions will be announced today evening.

The evening included two films titled “Lessons from the Prophet’s biography” and “Siraj Munira”, which included the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to Medina, the Ansar reception , and a section of the ancient Prophet’s mawlid folklore .

Source: Yemen News Agency