Mon. Sep 16th, 2024

SANA’A August 01. 2024 (Saba) – The Fisheries Ministry condemned the continued aggression and occupation forces of the UAE in transforming fish landing centers into military barracks in the south of the country.

The ministry considered in a statement received by the Yemeni News Agency (Saba) what the aggression forces are doing in the fish landing centers a blatant violation of the rights of fishermen and the fishing sector.

It condemned the arbitrary measures taken by the occupying UAE forces to close the fish landing centers in Al-Shihr area in Hadhramaut Province, with the aim of transforming them into military barracks belonging to the enemy.. stressing that these facilities are vital public property for the continuation of the fishing process , fish production on a daily and smooth basis.

It warned of the consequences of the UAE occupation forces’ systematic targeting of fish landing centers in the areas they control, including landing centers in Al-Shuhair area, and depriving thousands of fishermen f
rom practicing their daily work, regardless of their difficult living conditions and the consequences of these movements.

The Fisheries Ministry also denounced the shameful silence of the mercenary government regarding these arbitrary measures against fishermen and the blatant violations that affected fish landing centers in a number of areas in the south of the country.

It called for responding to the demands of the affected fishermen and the sit-inners in front of the gate of Al Rayyan Airport and canceling the decision to close the fish landing centers and reopen them to resume work.

The statement called on the international community, the United Nations and human rights organizations to take a firm position , pressure the UAE occupation forces and the Security Belt mercenaries to evacuate the fish landing centers.

Source: Yemen News Agency