Sat. Sep 14th, 2024

First Deputy Prime Minister Mohammed Muftah emphasized that the telecommunications sector is a vital and important part of Yemen’s economy, which was targeted by the aggression to undermine the country’s capabilities.

He made these remarks during his visit to the Ministry of Communications on Wednesday, where he met with ministers and officials from its affiliated entities.

Muftah pointed out that the radical change that the leader of the revolution chose and began with the formation of the government is proceeding today at a clear pace and a strong determination to eradicate abuses and forms of financial and administrative corruption and to promote state institutions to carry out their duty and provide the best services to citizens.

He pointed out that the process of change stems from the goals of the September 21 revolution, which made Yemen a significant figure through the adoption of the revolutionary and political leadership of the correct positions, especially the position of support and support for
the Palestinian resistance and the movement to support the vulnerable in the Gaza Strip with practical positions that humiliated and defeated the American and Zionist arrogance.

The First Deputy Prime Minister praised the steadfastness of the employees of the telecommunications sector over the past nine years, and the sector’s stand in the face of the projects of the aggression regimes, including the Emirati ambitions, which will not provide any projects except through political employment. He recalled its projects in Sudan, Ethiopia, and Libya and the evil they carried.

He called for the hoped-for role of the Ministry of Communications in emergency response and relief work for those affected by the floods and alleviating the suffering of those affected in many governorates.

The Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Eng. Mohammed Al-Mahdi, urged in the meeting, which was attended by his deputy, Eng. Ali Al-Makna, stressing full keenness to upgrade the services of the telecommunications sec
tor in various aspects, and work to overcome the difficulties and conspiracies hatched by the aggression against this sensitive sector.

He stressed the continued resilience of the telecommunications sector and its awareness of the national duty and its economic and social responsibility, especially at the current stage.

Source: Yemen News Agency