Fri. Sep 20th, 2024

The Undersecretary of Hodeida province, Ghaleb Hamza, and the Commander of the Northern Axis, Major General Fadel Al-Diyani, inspected on Sunday the displaced families whose homes were exposed to a fire in the “Deir Galala” area in Az Zaidiyah District.

Hamza and al-Diyani, along with the director of the directorate’s zakat office, Khaled Momen, were briefed on the damage caused by the fire, which yesterday consumed ten houses consisting of tents and nests, including food, livestock and furniture.

During the visit, financial assistance of 150,000 riyals was provided to each affected family, provided by the Zakat Office as part of the emergency response to help families who lost their homes

Source: Yemen News Agency